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The False Accusations Of Sex Crimes

Sex crime is a serious offense that need to be handled accordingly. Offenders who commit sexual assault can pose a threat to society, and if they are found committing this crime, most would agree that penalties should ensue. However, people must keep in mind the fact that not every single charge is made against someone who is guilty of the crime.




There is a fraction of falsely accused of sex crimes that made against an innocent individual. Whether it’s a family member, friend, ex-spouse, or someone you don’t even know, every year false allegations are made, and it’s up to people to defend the accused. Nobody should have to sit behind bars if they have not committed the crime they’re alleged of doing.




It is difficult to believe that anyone would falsely accuse you of a sexual offense. However, false allegations of sex crimes happen for a variety of reasons. In prior cases, we have seen false accusations of a sex crime based on these reasons:



Revenge – Your accuser may be attempting to harm you because of a previous dispute or perceived wrongdoing.



Your accuser may be ashamed – Sometimes people regret having consented to sexual intercourse, and then they fabricate a rape story.



Accuser seeking to hide an extramarital relationship – Sometimes people caught having an affair have been known to make up a story which includes a false sexual assault allegation.



False identification – It is possible that your accuser incorrectly believes that you are the perpetrator of their sexual assault. This often happens since sex crimes frequently occur in poorly lit places or when drugs and alcohol are involved.



Step child wants you out of the house – Children are often unaware of how serious allegations of sex crimes can be on your entire life and in the future. They are only focused on the immediate situation, which they may not understand.




Many of those falsely accused think that it’s just a big mistake that will clear itself up, or sometimes they try to discuss the situation with the alleged victim in order to make it go away. However, depending on the details of your case, these could be terrible ideas that won’t help you. In fact, they make your problem worse. The best thing to do is to contact your defense lawyer as soon as possible in order to begin the process of beating the charges and clearing your name.

Your defense may include arguments such as:



Consent – For many sexual offenses, proving that the accuser is lying about non-consent through cross-examination is a defense for the falsely accused.




Insufficient evidence – In order to be convicted of a crime, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime occurred and that you were the one who committed it. Many false accusations turn out to have very little evidence that a crime even happened. It is up to the prosecution to prove that you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.




The sooner you hire an attorney, the sooner they can provide you with the legal counsel you will undoubtedly need in a situation like this. Accusations of sexual assault and sex-related crimes are extremely sensitive, and if you don’t handle them properly, the consequences can be life-changing.